Journal Entry 2: Terrain and Player Controls

Date: 11. 9. 2021
Time Spent: ~3.5 Hours

First task to do today was creating some sort of terrain for the player to stand on. I found some free assests on website and imported them into my project. I set up the basic tilemap and then tried to create a tile palette. At this point I learned that unity did not recognize sprite metadata provided with sprite sheets so I had to learn how to use unity sprite editor. At first it seemed it would take forever to mark the sprite locations but I learned the sprite editor workflow and things sped up considerably.

Once I had some basic terrain set up, I  proceeded to creating the player character. Once I had some GameObject with BoxCollider and Rigidbody in place, I spent considerable time looking up tutorials on character movement in Unity. I adopted and simplified some scripts I found and got some basic movement working. However, it is bit weird and jumping seems to randomly stop working so I will have to spend some more time on the controls part.

Files 22 MB
Sep 11, 2021

Get Don't Be Afraid To Fall

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